Work Session
Work Sessions
The Perry Township Board of Trustees meets in a Work Session format on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM.
These meetings are held at the Township Hall located at 3111 Hilton Street NW in Massillon. Work Sessions are less formal than Regular Meetings and are utilized by Trustees and Department Heads for discussion of township related projects or activities.
Perry Township Board of Trustees
Work Session
August 13, 2013 7:00 pm
Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance:
Excused absence:
Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer (Karen Moser here in his absence); and Joyce Fetzer, Administrator
Additions/Deletions to Agenda:
Public Hearings/Invited Guests:
Board of Trustees has Invited Brook Avenue NW Residents for Discussion of Proposed Address Change
Cliff Meidlein, Planning Administrator of Stark County Regional Planning
Tim Warstler, Director of Stark County Emergency Management Agency
Trustee Haines stated that the Board has invited residents of Brook Avenue NW for discussion on the proposed possible changes on Brook Avenue NW and Marion Avenue. Trustee Haines stated that also in attendance are guests from the Stark County Regional Planning and Stark County 911. These guests have been part of the changes that have happened at Brook and Marion Avenue. Trustee Haines also referred to Trustee Chessler’s attendance at the meetings incurred on this matter regarding the change in addresses.
Trustee Chessler stated that the Board requested a meeting before the Commissioners after an incident that occurred that brought light to the fact that there was confusing naming and numbering of the houses in the area of Brook Avenue NW and Marion Avenue. Trustee Chessler stated that the Commissioners actually met three times concerning the discussion of these streets. Trustee Chessler also referred to a wall map before the Board this evening of the Brook/Marion Avenue discussion. Mr. Meidlein and Mr. Warstler were at two of these meetings before the Commissioners and provided answers to questions that the residents in attendance had.
Trustee Chessler stated that the Commissioners adopted a Resolution on July 24, 2013 regarding new house numbers and corrected street names for select and certain houses along Brook Avenue NW and Marion Avenue NW. At this same meeting that evening, the Commissioners had also given the charge to Trustee Chessler to discuss, address and decide with the Perry Township Board of Trustees how to deal with the remaining and confusing part of the matter concerning Brook Avenue. Trustee Chessler stated that there is a portion on Brook Avenue that only has two (2) houses currently addressed on it. There is a body of land that separates that from another portion of Brook Avenue as well and is a cul-de-sac which is still potentially confusing. Trustee Chessler stated that he invited Mr. Clifford Meidlein from the house numbering department of Regional Planning and Mr. Tim Warstler, Director of Stark County Emergency Management Agency, to share information with the residents who were present. Trustee Chessler referred to a letter from the Township dated August, 3, 2013 that was sent to all the affected property owners. The Township did receive one (1) written response from Mr. Flek Stoher who lives at 1212 Brook Avenue. Mr. Stoher is opposing this and wants his street to remain the same. Trustee Chessler stated that he was hopeful that a consensus on this matter could be reached. Trustee Chessler also stated that the preferred idea was to allow the small portion of Brook Avenue to remain the same and the cul-de-sac portion to be renamed as Brook Circle NW which would be a minor change.
Mr. Meidlein stated that he wanted to outline the purpose of house numbering and how it came to be. After a brief summary, Mr. Meidlein stated that generally, house numbering does not seek to rename streets or renumber houses because of the cost entail to the home owner. Mr. Meidlein also stated that the house numbering department of Regional Planning intervenes if there is a compelling safety reason.
Mr. Meidlein briefly explained the process when regional planning becomes involved because of a safety issue.
Lori Ballas, 1006 Brook Avenue-Lori asked how changing from an avenue to a circle would affect emergency services.
Tim Warstler, Director of Stark County Emergency Management Agency, stated that over time it would be best to name this area correctly in order to eliminate confusion for future reference.
Kevin McConnell, 1055 Brook Avenue-Ken had a question about what he read in the newspaper regarding the spelling change of Brook Avenue. Trustee Haines stated that it was a misprint in the newspaper. Kevin also asked about several lots he owns on Brook and Marion and inquired if this name change would affect him. Mr. Meidlein stated that it would not. Also asked, if building a house on these lots, what street would the driveway be positioned on. A brief discussion followed and Law Director Hall stated that if a house would be built on one of these lots, Mr. McConnell would have to seek some type of variance from a subdivision engineer from the county. More discussion followed and Trustee Haines suggested to Mr. McConnell that he might want to get something in writing by the county to ensure his lots would be plotted to have a right-of-way into them in the event any future changes were to come about.
Tim Blythe, 2956 Bridgeton St. NW, Massillon 44646-Mr. Blythe inquired as to the properties that have already been changed on Brook Avenue and brought to the attention of several other streets within the Township that break like these. Mr. Meidlein stated that there is not a problem as long as the addresses are in numerical order. More discussion followed on this matter.
Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board adopt a resolution to request that the Commissioners formally make the change of the portion of Brook Avenue to Brook Circle NW based on discussion and recommendations and the existing subdivision regulations so that this portion will be in compliance with current regulations. The Board will also request the Commissioners to implement this change over time as ownership changes; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
Trustee Chessler stated that he would draft a letter to the Commissioners so they can formally discuss and adopt a resolution on this matter.
The Board thanked Mr. Meidlein and Mr. Warstler for their attendance this evening.
Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.
Township Business requiring Board Action: None.
Unfinished Business: None.
New Business:
Trustee Haines made a motion to approve bills and payroll in the amount of $227,184.20 for the week ending August 13, 2013; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.
ROLL CALL: Trustee Haines, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
Fiscal Officer: None.
Administration: None.
Fire Department: None.
Police Department: None.
Road Department: None.
Law Director: None.
Zoning: None.
Parks/Recycling: None.
Executive Session(s): None.
Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:
Administration: None.
Fire Department: None.
Parks/Recycling: None.
Police Department: None.
Road Department: None.
Zoning: None.
Law Director: None.
Upcoming Events:
~Announcement of: Ohio Division of Liquor Control – Notice received 7-26-13 – Perry Fuel Mart, Inc., 2801 Perry Drive SW, Canton, OH 44706. Requesting authorization for permit #6825540 – Responses must be post marked no later than 8-26-13.
~Perry Bicentennial Meetings are scheduled for the last Tuesday of each calendar month at the Perry Township Hall beginning at 7:00 pm.
Public Speaks-Open Forum:
With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Haines made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
Doug Haines, President Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer