Regular Meeting
Regular Meetings
The Perry Township Board of Trustees meets in Regular Meeting format on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM.
The meetings are held at the Township Hall located at
3111 Hilton Street NW
in Massillon. Regular Meetings include reports by Department Heads, the Law Director, and the Township Administrator. The public is welcome to offer comments during the Public Speaks portion of the agenda on township related matters.
Perry Township Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
May 3, 2016 7:00 pm
Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance:
Excused absence:
Additions/Deletions to Agenda:
Public Hearings/Invited Guests:
Tony Spitale~ION Power Agent
Trustee Haines stated that we have two invited guests here this evening adding that he had previously met with these two individuals several weeks ago regarding an energy audit. Trustee Haines welcomed and introduced Tony Spitale and Rob Balizet to come forward to make their presentation before the Board.
Tony Spitale again introduced himself indicating that he lives in Massillon, Tuslaw district and gave his appreciation to the Board for having them here this evening. Rob Balizet introduced himself and indicated that he is a resident of Perry Township in the Richville area. Mr. Spitale stated that they represent a company called ION Marketing Group and indicated that what their group does is help save money on utilities. Mr. Spitale gave a brief outline of their partnering with National Utilities Refund in performing a utility audit to ultimately find any savings recommendations.
Trustee Haines inquired of Mr. Spitale if he would please give further explanation should a reduction be found. Mr. Spitale explained that whatever reduction would be found, the Township would keep 50% of this reduction amount and the Township would be billed for the remaining half of the reduction amount for a period of two (2) years.
Trustee Haines also shared one of Mr. Spitale’s examples of a food service company wherein they were not aware that they were paying taxes on all of the natural gas that they were using. When they could prove that the natural gas was used for cooking measures versus heating, they did not have to pay taxes on that. Trustee Haines verified that this was just an example of showing something that might be underlying that we aren’t aware of.
Mr. Spitale gave another example and added that utility companies are not going to contact you; they rely on you contacting them.
Trustee Chessler inquired how long this process takes. Mr. Spitale stated that it depends, but generally 6-8 weeks, depending on what they are getting into.
Trustee Haines inquired on whether the refund or reduction rates were negotiable in that instead of 50%, it would be 40% or whether instead of two years, it could be one year. Mr. Spitale explained that is not normally negotiable, but added that if there would be a very large refund, they would definitely consider the percentage rate. Trustee Haines verified of Mr. Spitale that this would not then be part of the initial contract. Mr. Spitale confirmed that it would not.
Law Director Hall confirmed of Mr. Spitale that the only time and labor commitment of the Township would be to provide a copy of each of the most recent utility bills; we would not have to go back and provide bills from the last 36 months. Mr. Spitale stated that was correct and added that copies of the contracts of the gas, electric, telephone and trash would also be needed.
Trustee DeChiara referred to the paperwork before the Board from ION Marketing and verified of Mr. Spitale that regarding gas prices, if they would try and find the Township the best deal. Mr. Spitale stated that was correct and added that they would contact all the suppliers in Ohio and get the best price. Trustee DeChiara inquired if they did energy audits in regard to lighting, for example, going to LED lighting. Mr. Spitale stated that they partner with experts regarding that type of thing. Trustee Haines referred to the additional contact information, Erin Baker, TPI Efficiency Consulting, in the attached supporting documents regarding this area. Trustee Haines stated that should we receive any saving reduction monies, the money we would receive from those savings could possibly be used to convert lighting to LED since that would be considered a savings. Trustee Haines stated that this would be a Phase II type of matter and gave a brief summary of the step process regarding this.
Trustee Haines inquired of Law Director Hall if he had any input recommendations. Mr. Hall stated that regarding the Board’s discretion, considers this to be a no risk agreement as far as the Board’s perspective; if they don’t find anything, other than the time that it takes the Administrator and the Department Heads to find the various contracts and agreements.
Trustee Chessler stated that Perry Township is a member of the Stark Council of Governments and added that Stark Council of Governments have engaged an energy broker to go out for natural gas and strike a price that would be for a one to two year program. The Perry Township buildings that consume natural gas are locked into that for gas and light. Trustee Chessler also stated that the Township itself is on the county’s gas aggregation program and they negotiate a supplier for a one year period. Trustee Chessler also added that this is an opt-out program and added that we (the Township) are not allowed to encourage people to get out of the deal.
Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board of Trustees enter into the proposed agreement with ION Power Agent for purposes of conducting the proposed energy audit on the terms that have been outlined and reviewed by the Law Director; Seconded by Trustee DeChiara.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Trustee Haines indicated to Mr. Spitale and Mr. Balizet that their point of contact would be Administrator Fetzer regarding this audit process.
Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.
Township Business requiring Board Action: None.
Unfinished Business: None.
New Business:
Trustee Haines made a motion to approve bills in the amount of $10,607.19 for the week ending April 26, 2016 and bills and payroll in the amount of $262,016.14 for the week ending May 3, 2016 for a combined total of $272,623.33; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Fiscal Officer:
Consider Accepting 04/19/16 Meeting Minutes
Trustee Haines made a motion to accept the meeting minutes from April 19, 2016; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Consider the Resignation of the Zoning Inspector Position
Trustee Haines indicated that we will make note that Mr. Weckbacher is going to retire, but an official resignation will be forthcoming at the next meeting. Trustee Haines stated that we wanted to have this publically discussed in order to move on the next item on the Agenda. Trustee Haines stated that this matter will officially be tabled until the next meeting.
Consider the Advertisement of the Zoning Inspector’s Position
Trustee Haines stated that we will consider the advertisement of the Zoning Inspector’s position since Mr. Weckbacher will be retiring by the end of this month. Trustee Haines indicated that we will need to begin the process so that we are not without a zoning inspector or if we are without one, it will be for as little time as possible; with Butch Kraus acting as the Assistant Zoning Inspector.
Trustee Chessler inquired of Law Director Hall if we would need to review this position. Mr. Hall briefly indicated that the position had been recently updated as a result of the hiring of the Assistant Zoning Inspector, but added that it should be reviewed to see if any adjustments would be needed. Trustee Haines indicated that Administrator Fetzer had previously provided this information and requested that she copy this information to Trustee Chessler and Trustee DeChiara. Administrator Fetzer confirmed this request.
Trustee Chessler relayed to Zoning Inspector Weckbacher that if there was anything he could communicate, either from personal experience or something in writing, that is a requirement that cannot be met or isn’t there that should be added (to the position of Zoning Inspector); any suggestions from his years of experience would be appreciated.
Trustee Chessler stated that we be circulating and reviewing the job description and added that there were points of advertised listed.
Trustee Haines stated that it would be nice if we could get this Zoning Inspector position posted before the next meeting; if we could review this and get back to Law Director Hall that we have approved this, Administrator Fetzer can get this posted by early next week.
Trustee Chessler briefly stated that we will authorize Law Director Hall to get this out and will go from there.
Consider Discussion of Maintenance/Mechanic Position and Related Topics
Trustee Haines indicated that this next agenda item involves both the Police and Fire Chiefs and all three (3) Trustees; Trustee Haines stated that Chief Pomesky and Chief Martin have jointly done some interviews.
Chief Martin indicated that they have three (3) candidates that were moving forward to the next step in the process.
Trustee DeChiara stated that as he has stated in the past, he would like to see the Maintenance Garage become its own department, not under the fire chief or the police chief; they would have a Superintendent of the garage. Trustee DeChiara stated that he would like to see the Road Department and the Fire and Police Department under one (1) maintenance garage, whether we share the costs by thirds or we share the costs by a billing system to the departments. Trustee DeChiara stated that again, as he has mentioned previously, thinks that the maintenance person is a qualified or appropriate person to be doing building maintenance. Trustee DeChiara added that even if in the past, the Board has felt that the Department heads can do that work, so be it, but added that he has seen too many occasions where it can be bolstered and improved by having somebody who can do this. Trustee DeChiara indicated that this would be a part time position and added that possibly that person would answer to the garage superintendent.
Trustee Haines stated that he understands the points that Trustee DeChiara has discussed and added that he has taken a look at this when they first started this process. Trustee Haines indicated that there is a lot of road specialty stuff out there and to join all under one roof, neither facility at this point can handle this. Trustee DeChiara stated that it doesn’t mean that the two can’t be in separate buildings working under the same supervisor.
Trustee Chessler briefly indicated when the structure for the maintenance building was conceived and built, the configuration was purposely next to the fire department and administration so that the work that was related to those vehicles could be done; the Road Department has always been in a separate location. Trustee Chessler stated that logistics-wise, he wasn’t sure how we would join these, but in theory, the management and funding are something we could look at.
Trustee Haines stated that we will wait to hear back from both Chief Martin and Chief Pomesky and their recommendations for mechanics. Trustee Haines stated that on his way to the meeting this evening, he saw that Zach was working after hours.
Trustee Chessler indicated that he didn’t think that the instances that have occurred wherein someone attempted to go above and beyond their job responsibilities, it was just that a job needed to be done and it was a cost savings to have somebody that was here and if they were able to do it, to just go do it. Regarding some things that have been identified such as electrical work and things that are more regulated, requiring permits and/or certifications, Trustee Chessler agreed that we need to look at that to see if the cost would justify somebody on the staff to do whatever level of work we have or whether or not we can continue to contract out those things on an as-needed basis. Trustee Chessler indicated that these are some of the things we will need to look at more closely.
Fire Department:
Consider Resignation of David Phillips
Fire Chief Martin stated that the Fire Department is requesting that the Board of Trustees accept the resignation of part-time Fire Medic David Phillips effective May 3, 2016; he has accepted a fulltime position for the city of Steubenville. Chief Martin stated that although he hates to see part time people leave, there is a good side to this; we obviously trained somebody and schooled them wherein another agency decided to hire them full time.
Trustee Chessler made a motion that based on the letter the Board has received, we accept the resignation of David Phillips, effective May 3, 2016; Seconded by Trustee Haines.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Chief Martin stated that just so the Board knows, and adding that Trustee Chessler and Law Director Hall will appreciate the fact that the Assistant Fire Chief in Steubenville is Mike Taylor. Law Director Hall stated that we have to include a no recruiting clause in the next contract (laughter). Chief Martin stated that Mike is a good guy and Dave is going to go to a good department.
Consider Emergency Repairs to Medic Unit
Fire Chief Martin stated that the Fire Department is requesting that the Board of Trustees authorize the payment of $3,498.05 to Progressive Chevrolet, 8000 Hills and Dales, P.O. Box 997, Massillon, Ohio 44648 for emergency repairs to the 2009 Medic Unit. Chief Martin indicated that some of the repairs could only be done by Progressive, and some of them Zach opted not to do and had Progressive do so the cost was up a little. Chief Martin added that there really was no way to obtain an estimate regarding this repair.
Trustee Chessler stated that based on the circumstances, made a motion that the Board approve payment in the amount of $3,498.05 to Progressive Chevrolet for emergency repairs to the 2009 medic unit; Seconded by Trustee Haines.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Consider Purchase of Fire Hose
Fire Chief Martin stated that the Fire Department is requesting that the Board of Trustees authorize the purchase of 2500 feet of 5-inch large diameter supply hose from Finley Fire Equipment at a total purchase price not to exceed $17,460.00. Chief Martin referred to the outline he included in his memo to the Board regarding this request. Chief Martin explained that currently, fire department apparatus are equipped with 4-inch large diameter hose (LDH) which has reached the end of its 20 year service life.
Trustee Haines inquired that if during the process of converting the 4-inch LDH over to 5-inch LDH this would be interchangeable. Chief Martin confirmed that it would be, adding that adapters can be added that would go to 4 and 5, but explained that we will put the 5-inch where we think it would be best served. Chief Martin indicated that this is so we don’t have to buy a lot of extra adapters since the adapters are very expensive.
Trustee Chessler referred to Chief Martin’s memo outline regarding the annual hose testing wherein Chief Martin indicated that as a result of the annual hose testing, we have experienced a steady loss/failure of 4-inch LDH. Trustee Chessler inquired what this looks like, the loss/failure and inquired if it would burst.
Chief Martin gave a brief description of several things that determine loss/failure and added that the fire department is getting ready to do hose testing and as anticipated, will lose several hundred feet of hose during this process since it has reached its service life.
Chief Martin also indicated that the City of Massillon Fire Department and Jackson Township Fire Department were also currently in the process of converting their 4-inch LDH over to 5-inch LDH allowing us to take part in a group purchase that will significantly lower the cost of the LDH.
Chief Martin indicated in his memo outline that the fire department had also obtained one other quote from United Fire Apparatus in the amount of $24,402.00.
Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board authorize the Fire Department to purchase 2500 feet of 5-inch large diameter supply hose from Finley Fire Equipment at a total purchase price not to exceed $17,460.00. Trustee Haines noted that in regard to the additional quote from United Fire Apparatus in the amount of $24,402.00, this is a savings of approximately $7,000 through this co-op purchase; Seconded by Trustee DeChiara.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Police Department:
Consider the Purchase of Armada Group Inc. Services
Police Chief Pomesky stated that the Police Department is requesting that the Board of Trustees consider the approval of the Armada Group invoice for the software and network services for 3 connections. The total cost is $3,744.00. Chief Pomesky gave some brief details regarding this request.
Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve payment on behalf of the Police Department to the Armada Group, Inc. toward that subscription fee for software network services for the connections to the Township at a cost not to exceed $3,744.00; Seconded by Trustee DeChiara.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Road and Park Department:
Consider Police Department Assistance in Perry Parks
Road and Park Superintendent Masalko indicated that he communicated to Police Chief Pomesky, via email, the request of the Police Department’s assistance to the Parks Department by way of extra patrol at Perry and Summerdale Parks by doing brief inspections in the evenings, and extra patrol throughout the evenings and locking and unlocking the restroom doors in the evenings, weekends and holidays. Police Chief Pomesky confirmed this request and indicated that the extra patrol was to be effective, Monday, May 2, 2016.
Road and Park Superintendent Masalko stated that he is requesting the Board’s authorization to install security lighting in front of the Perry Park restrooms. Mr. Masalko indicated that he would suggest that a private contractor install a light on one of the existing stadium lights at Perry Park that would aim toward the restrooms or would suggest that we request the services of Ohio Edison to install lighting. Mr. Masalko stated that he does not think Ohio Edison would install lighting on an existing pole, but would rather install their own pole which would be an extra expense.
Trustee Haines inquired if there had been any more vandalism damage since the new deadbolts were installed. Mr. Masalko confirmed that there has not been any more vandalism damage and added that they have taken extra measures, per the photographs before the Board, to try and vandal-proof these areas.
Trustee Haines inquired if Mr. Masalko was requesting the Board to make a motion regarding a specific cost regarding the lighting installation. Mr. Masalko indicated that he would obtain estimates and if it would be more than he was permitted to approve, he would then make a request before the Board.
Law Director:
Consider Variance Waiver Fee
Trustee Haines stated that Perry Local Schools are requesting the Trustees to waive the fee of $175.00 for a variance; they would like to install a new sign in front of Perry High School that will not meet zoning regulations.
Zoning Inspector Weckbacher explained that Perry High School would like to place a sign that is larger than what is allowed in a residential area and they also want the sign to be an electronic message center. Mr. Weckbacher indicated that in order to request a variance, the school has asked the Board of Trustees to waive the variance fee in the amount of $175.00; this variance matter will go before the Board of Zoning Appeals for the Monday, June 13, 2016 meeting.
Trustee Chessler verified that the $175.00 was the variance application fee. Zoning Inspector Weckbacher stated that was correct. Trustee DeChiara inquired if there was a large size difference. Mr. Weckbacher stated that the size of the sign that is allowable is only a 32 square foot sign; the school is asking for larger than that. Regarding the electronic message center, they are going to be asking for three variances; one fee for this request: the sign is larger than what is allowed; the electronic message center should not be in a residential area; and the electronic message center should only make up to 50% of the entire sign (with an electronic message center, 50% should be sign, 50% electronic message center).
Trustee Haines verified that there is already one (Perry Local Schools) electronic message center on Route 172. A brief discussion regarding this matter followed.
Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board of Trustees waive the fee of $175.00 for a variance for zoning resolution 1302.31 for the Perry Local School District; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Trustee Chessler inquired of Zoning Inspector Weckbacher if anything would be submitted in advance regarding this matter or if it would be possible to have some conversation before this variance request takes place. Trustee Chessler added that putting a sign like this in a residential area, it may do well to have some conversations first to see what the community temperature is, what the extent and magnitude of this sign is going to be so at least people would not be caught off guard with this.
Law Director Hall stated that there is nothing that prohibits extra notices, whether it be done by regular mail or by posting a notice on the website to publicize that there will be a public hearing with explanation concerning this matter.
Trustee Chessler stated that he would like this to be shared with the school personnel as well to let them know that we would like to get word out into the neighborhood of what the school is proposing to do so that no individual would be caught off guard; if they would like to support this or oppose this, they would have the chance to do so.
Trustee Chessler inquired of Zoning Inspector Weckbacher who the chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals was and asked if it would be proper to review things like this in advance. Mr. Weckbacher indicated that the Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals is Larry Wilhelm. Trustee Chessler stated that the electronic message center signs are a significant change in the landscape and inquired of Zoning Inspector Weckbacher if he could get back to him in this regard. Mr. Weckbacher confirmed this request.
Problem Properties~
Law Director Hall asked if he could intervene briefly; indicating that looking at this list of properties, both the Zoning Inspector and Assistant Zoning Inspector have been working very hard to make progress on some of these properties. Mr. Hall indicated that we have run into a manpower financial snag and added that he had sent an email to the Board on the 26th in reference to this matter.
Mr. Hall stated that in regard to high grass and weeds, there is a mowing plan with contractors in place. In regard to the removal of trash and debris, there is no personnel in place to go out and pick up the junk tires and bags of garbage and barrels of trash that are left laying in side and back yards. Mr. Hall stated that Road and Park Superintendent Masalko had indicated that his personnel is very tight and it is enough for them to take care of mowing at the parks. Mr. Hall stated that one of the questions that he and Zoning Inspector Weckbacher had discussed was whether some of the mowing contractor personnel would be willing to pick up the junk trash and debris; the cost of their hourly rate would still be the same amount but the assessment to the property would be included on the resident’s tax bill. Mr. Hall stated that he certainly doesn’t expect Mr. Weckbacher and Mr. Kraus to go out with a trash bag and dump truck to pick up stuff, but this seems to be the easiest category to deal with.
Mr. Hall indicated that in regard to junk or abandoned motor vehicles, there has been a change in the Ohio statute as far as the Township declaring them as junk motor vehicles and ordering them to be hauled away. The change has come from the salvage dealers, towing companies and the scrap yards; it has become cost prohibitive for most of those companies, they just don’t want to do it. The statute has provided that when you tow from private property, whether it government or because it’s posted, they are only allowed to charge $90.00 for the two, $12.00 per day that it is impounded, but more importantly, they cannot scrap or salvage that vehicle until they have followed some pretty strict notice requirements to the property owner and the lien holder. Once they do this, they can scrap and salvage it. Mr. Hall stated that in the past, the companies that Zoning Inspector Weckbacher has used to do this type of work are no longer interested in doing it.
Law Director Hall stated that what he is suggesting is that we prepare a request for recommendation and request for qualifications and start within the Township to several tow truck companies/salvage yard haulers that meet that definition to come in with a proposal so that they could be the go-to company for the Township.
Law Director Hall stated that lastly, in regard to the infrequent occasions when the Township has taken action to either take down a building or to do repairs to the building, we have made sure that there has always been the proper letter from the fire safety inspector or health department or the building inspector that the building is deemed bad and needs to be repaired or removed. Mr. Hall indicated that the problem is one of cost; the cost of demolition has gone up because of the expense of remediation and the expense of disposal of those types of materials. Mr. Hall stated that this matter is the least frequent and least expensive of the zoning matters, but added that before he and Zoning Inspector Weckbacher go forward, would like to put together a request for qualifications and try to solicit some companies and get them on board with us to make sure that we are strictly following those statutory procedures. Mr. Hall indicated that now is the time to do this since there is soon to be a change in personnel so that there is a standard operating procedure and have the standard operating guidelines and protocols in place to make sure that they are being properly followed.
Trustee Haines verified Mr. Hall’s suggestion of having a subcontractor or local towing company to take care of junk or abandoned vehicles and possibly having the mowing contactors take care of the trash and debris disposal to speed up the process of the problem properties. Mr. Hall stated that was correct.
Trustee Haines also inquired of Mr. Hall if in either of these types of situations the police would accompany them. Mr. Hall stated that it has been on rare occasion in reference to threats, but the police have always been very helpful in situations such as this. Mr. Hall indicated that he will work with Zoning Inspector Weckbacher to get this together and have a formal proposal before the Board.
Law Director Hall indicated that zoning can give notice to have a property cleaned up or else, but then the or else becomes how do we physically do this.
Trustee DeChiara inquired what happens when we reach out to a contractor for clean up and then assess these charges to the property taxes, but the property owner may not pay their property taxes, do we then have to begin foreclosure procedures to foreclose on their property in able to recover the Township’s expenses. Law Director Hall indicated that when we hit that limit, we can ask the county treasurer to initiate a tax foreclosure. Trustee DeChiara verified that if this situation would come about wherein a property owner has not made right on their taxes for years, if we or the county would sell a property, we would get somebody in there that will take care of it. Law Director Hall stated that was correct. Law Director Hall indicated to Trustee DeChiara that he did not want to mislead him, but added that this would be a lengthy process; sometimes an 18 to 24 month process, but yes, the Township would recover our expenses eventually.
Law Director Hall stated that they would put together a protocol, a standard operating procedure and then hopefully have the names of companies and mowers or whoever is willing to step up to do this work.
Trustee Chessler stated that his question is this; given to what has just been said, under the Agenda item with the five listed properties, are these all on hold. Mr. Hall stated that he would defer to Zoning Inspector Weckbacher since there has been some progress, but he wanted to take this discussion first.
Zoning Inspector Weckbacher indicated that the property on Delaware has been all cleaned up, but indicated that the other properties are still on hold. The property on Beth Avenue is going to be one of those that the buildings are wide open and may be considered demolition material. Mr. Weckbacher indicated that we are still working on these other properties and are still receiving more complaints.
Trustee Chessler inquired about the property on Richmont owned by Mr. Chambers; if this was also tax delinquent. Law Director Hall indicated that he would check on this. Zoning Inspector Weckbacher indicated that he does not believe this property is behind on taxes since the property was in the resident’s wife’s name.
5232 Beth Ave. SW – on hold
4080 Richmont St. SW – on hold
1205 Delaware Ave. SW – has been cleaned up
127 Saratoga Ave. SW – on hold
1239 Whipple Ave. SW – on hold
Trustee Chessler stated that we will be looking forward to a predicate program for these properties. Mr. Hall added: and also the recommendations of more than one contractor to step up and do that work. Trustee Chessler indicated that we will have the remainder of these on hold properties still waiting for this program to come about. Zoning Inspector Weckbacher confirmed yes.
Executive Session(s):
Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:
Fire Department:
Police Department:
Road Department:
Law Director:
Upcoming Events:
~Operation Flags of Freedom – Memorial Day Weekend Hosting free concert on Saturday, May 28th at 6:00 pm featuring Nashville Country Recording Artist Ricky Lee – Remote Broadcasting K-105 (12 to 2 pm) Visit: for event details.
~Perry Township Fire Department – HERO 5K Run-Walk on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th beginning at 8:30 am. Run for the HERO in your life! Register at:
~Perry Township Party in the Park! (formerly Taste of Perry) Saturday, July 9th Noon to 8:00 pm at Hartwick Park – Enjoy All Day Events and Entertainment – Special Features: Mix 94.1 Remote Broadcasting and the Blues Band – TRIPPER from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Sponsored by Aqua. Additional event details at
Public Speaks-Open Forum: None.
With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Haines made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Mr. DeChiara, yes.
Doug Haines, President Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer