Special Meeting

Special Meetings 

The Perry Township Board of Trustees is permitted to call Special Meetings at any time for purposes they are permitted by law to act upon.  

All Trustees and the press must be notified of the Special Meeting 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting.  Thepublic notice must state the date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting.


Perry Township Board of Trustees


Special Meeting


June 14, 2016




The press has been provided appropriate notice of the special meeting per ORC requirements




Meeting Called to Order:  Noon pm


Additions/Deletions to Agenda:


Executive Session(s): 


Trustee Haines made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session pursuant to ORC 121.22 (G) (1) to discuss the hiring of a full time zoning inspector; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


The Board adjourned into Executive Session at:  12:01 pm


The Board adjourned from Executive Session at:  12:11 pm




With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Haines made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:11 pm; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.






Doug Haines, President                                                                                                 Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer