Regular Meeting

The Perry Township Board of Trustees meets in Regular Meeting format on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM.   

The meetings are held at the Township Hall located at

3111 Hilton Street NW

in Massillon. Regular Meetings include reports by Department Heads, the Law Director, and the Township Administrator.  The public is welcome to offer comments during the Public Speaks portion o

Perry Township Board of Trustees


Regular Meeting


January 19, 2016  7:00 pm


Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance:


Excused absence:  Scott Weckbacher, Zoning Inspector




Additions/Deletions to Agenda:  


Trustee Haines indicated that there was something to add under the Agenda item: Resignation Notice from the Board of Zoning Appeals; a posting for this position.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that Trustee Haines request to add to the Agenda item under 5b. be added to include advertising for the placement; Seconded by Trustee DeChiara.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Public Hearings/Invited Guests:




Letter from Adam Silla, Assistant District Chief Concerning Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependents Fund


Trustee Haines stated that the Board has received a letter from firefighter Adam Silla in regard to the Perry Township Fire Department that participates in a program called Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependents Fund, through the State Fire Marshall.  Trustee Haines stated that the Ohio Revised Code sets up the structure by which their Board members are appointed annually from the Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependents Fund Board.  Trustee Haines stated that the fund is available for our part time firefighters and their families should a line of duty death or disability occur.  The Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependents Fund Board shall consist of five (5) members; two of those members shall be elected by the legislative authority of the political subdivision of the Fire District.  Trustee Haines stated that Adam Silla is requesting the Board to provide nominations of two (2) for appointment by the Board of Trustees.  Trustee Haines indicated that Adam Silla has attached an explanation of benefits offered as well as how the members are elected and added that he has also provided a copy of the previous years’ Board members.  Trustee Haines indicated that Adam Silla has asked that any questions or concerns be directed to him.  Trustee Haines verified that last year the Board appointed Adam Silla and Larry Sedlock.


 Trustee Chessler indicated that usually with our appointments, the existing members would indicate whether or not the member up for reappointment is interested in continuing the service.  Trustee Chessler inquired of Fire Chief Martin concerning this matter.  Chief Martin stated to Trustee Chessler that this is an issue that is outside of his office and added that he does not get involved with it.  Trustee Chessler confirmed this comment. 


Trustee Haines indicated that the Board has not heard from Adam Silla or Larry Sedlock that they would like to step down from this Board.  Trustee Haines stated that the Board appoints two (2) and they would appoint two (2) and the four would appoint a lay person.


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board reappoint Adam Silla and Larry Sedlock to the Volunteer Firefighters Dependent Fund for the year 2016; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, abstain.


Letter from Ralph DeChiara, Jr. ~ Resignation Notice from the Board of Zoning Appeals Alternate Position


Trustee Haines indicated that the Board has received a letter from Ralph DeChiara for his resignation for the Board of Zoning Appeals Alternate position.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board acknowledge his receipt of the letter submitted by Mr. DeChiara dated January 1, 2016 and pursuant thereto makes a motion that we accept his letter of resignation from the Perry Township Board of Zoning Appeals; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board post and appoint for the Board of Zoning Appeals Alternate position.  Interested applicants may obtain additional information and a job application at: and indicate BZA on the subject line or by U.S. Mail to Perry Township Board of Trustees, BZA, Perry Township, 3111 Hilton St. NW, Massillon, Ohio 44646; letters of interest and resumes will be accepted until 4:30 pm on Monday, February 1, 2016.  Above that, it will be posted in the Saturday, January 23, 2016 Canton Repository and on-line, Perry Township website and the Perry Township Hall; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.


Township Business requiring Board Action: None.


Unfinished Business:   None.


New Business:


Trustee Haines made a motion to approve bills and payroll in the amount of $247,061.82 for the week ending January 12, 2016 and bills in the amount of $358,770.59 for the week ending January 19, 2016  for a combined total of $605,832.41; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Fiscal Officer: 


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board accept the January 5, 2016 meeting minutes as submitted; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.




Consider Amendment of Previously Approved Pay Rate Chart to be Inclusive of Part Time Firefighters


Administrator Fetzer verified that the Board has the previous January 5th recommendation and Attachment B is the Amendment that would be made. 


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board accept and adopt, in place of the original pay schedule, the revised pay schedule that includes the part time firefighters; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, abstain.


Consider Providing a $500 Clothing Allowance for the PT Assistant Zoning Inspector


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board consider providing a $500 clothing allowance for the part time Assistant Zoning Inspector; Seconded by Ralph DeChiara.


Trustee Haines indicated that this item was not on the Re-organizational meeting because the official hiring was not done at that point.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Consider Renewal of CLOUT Membership


Administrator Fetzer stated that the Board has received an invoice from the Ohio Township Association concerning the opportunity to renew the CLOUT (Coalition of Large Ohio Urban Townships) Membership in the amount of $200.00.  Administrator Fetzer indicated that the Board has been a member of CLOUT for the past thirteen (13) years and through this membership, the Township receives a variety of benefits.


Trustee Haines makes a motion that we accept the renewal of the CLOUT membership for the year 2016 in the total amount of $200.00 that is due by January 20, 2016; Seconded by Trustee DeChiara.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara.


Consider Accepting the OTARMA~MORE Grant in the Amount of $500


Administrator Fetzer stated that the Board of Trustees has been a recipient, for the past three (3) consecutive years, of the MORE (Managing Ohio Risk Exposures) Grant in the amount of $500, on each grant occasion.  In 2013, the Board had purchased playground mulch; 2014 was safety equipment; and 2015 multiple traffic cones.  Administrator Fetzer stated that the MORE Grant is a wonderful program  and added that there is a thank you letter attached for the Board signatures.  Administrator Fetzer stated that she is requesting the Board to accept the $500 MORE Grant donation.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board accept, with gratitude, the $500 MORE Grant and further indicate our gratitude by sending the letter; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.   Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Fire Department:


Consider Advertising Sealed Bids for Fire Stations #2 and #3


Fire Chief Martin stated that the Board had previously authorized the solicitation of bids for the renovations of Station #2 and #3.  Chief Martin stated that under ORC 505.376 if those bids were to come in under $50,000, then we could have awarded them in that fashion, however, all of the attached bids came in over $50,000 therefore the bidding process must follow the “Public Bidding” procedures under ORC 505.376. 


Chief Martin proposed that the Board might want to consider utilizing KB West Design to develop a set of drawings for Stations #2 and #3 that would be for new construction.  Chief Martin indicated that in the long run, it might be money better well spent to construct new facilities instead of trying to renovate the existing facilities.  The addition would consist of ADA compliant bathroom(s) and sleeping quarters.  Chief Martin briefly described that approximately 40% of the bid price deals with nothing other than demolition of old walls, etc.  Chief Martin verified this of Tim Blythe of Blythe Construction, one of the bid companies sought for the renovation and here this evening.  Mr. Blythe stated this was correct and added that it was more so in Station #2 than of Station #3.  Mr. Blythe stated that he has indicated that the cheapest thing is new construction, an addition is the next step down and the last is renovation because you are tearing out and rebuilding so you are paying for it twice.


Chief Martin gave an example of some of the things that are really starting to escalate the costs; the sediment pit at Station #3 where the runoff from washing the trucks goes into a pit and that pit is 100 gallons; that pit will have to be removed and the new one, by EPA regulations would be a 500 gallon pit.


Chief Martin indicated that the Board could then request that bids be solicited on both sets of plans.  Utilizing the sets of drawings for renovations and new construction would give the Board an opportunity to compare and contrast which option would be the overall best method to update the stations.  Chief Martin indicated that the least expensive component of the updating is the development of the drawings.


Trustee Haines stated that one of his questions to Chief Martin when initially considering these renovations was what this would do for our future and our growth.  Trustee Haines indicated that what we are doing isn’t really going to address anything for our growth since we are trying to stay within that blueprint of what we were, so the most firefighters that we could ever house is what we already had there.  Trustee Haines stated that in his opinion, if we could open this up to the consideration of an addition and make the bedrooms for four (4) people, we would have the ability to staff our fire stations with more people.  Trustee Haines stated that even if we would do the blueprints, the renovations might still be the most feasible way, but it will give us an option of what makes the most sense.


Trustee Chessler inquired of Chief Martin if we could have these drawings prepared in such a manner that it would present a menu of options based on the amount of money that we have by a certain amount of plans; if there are different component elements here and we have a limited amount of funds, depending on what the numbers come back as, we may not have the funds to do all of the component pieces.


Chief Martin stated that with the renovations aspect, he did not think that option would be available.  Chief Martin gave the example of the bathrooms at Station #3 in that the Building Department will require ADA compliant bathrooms adding that is probably the bulk of the cost. 


Trustee Chessler verified of Chief Martin that in regard to the numbers that we have before us , we cannot go forward since those numbers indicate that we will have to follow the formal bidding procedures.   Chief Martin stated that was correct, confirming that it would be over the $50,000 limit.  Chief Martin also added that it would be appropriate to estimate that an architect could probably come back with some plans in three (3) weeks and indicated that all that would happen is that there would be a delay by three (3) weeks in going out to the more formal bidding process.


Law Director Hall stated to Chief Martin that if you and I could meet with the architect, we could possibly discuss a way that some of the projects can proceed more quickly.


Trustee Haines indicated that this (renovations) was the most economical situation which doesn’t really take care of what we need.  This could be the cheapest way, but if we get into an addition, it could double or triple and added that we need to look at that and say exactly what we’re looking at spending. 


Mr. Blythe stated that in his conversation with Chief Martin, the difficulty with phasing projects like these is in order for the Building Department to approve an addition or anything like that, many things have to happen; you have to have ADA compliant restrooms, you have to have sleeping quarters for a number of people that they say are going to live in those quarters.  Mr. Blythe added that he did not think that the addition would be two or three times as much, it may come in less than what the renovations are.  Mr. Blythe also stated that the creativity on how you plan that addition will be key.  Mr. Blythe briefly summarized by verifying that by being able to look at both sets of plans, you can look at both bids and make an educated decision on exactly how you want to proceed. 


Resident, Dave Kerestes made a comment concerning costs: ‘by pouring concrete walls instead of block, it would be approximately 25% cheaper.’  Trustee Haines thanked Mr. Kerestes for that information.


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board authorize the Fire Chief to proceed with obtaining blueprints to change the footprint of the buildings of Fire Stations 2 and 3 not to exceed the maximum of $2,500 for each blueprint; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, abstain.


Police Department:


Consider Staley Technologies Emergency Repair


Police Chief Pomesky stated that the Police Department is requesting that the Board of Trustees consider the approval of the attached emergency invoice for the repair to the radio tower from Staley Technologies in the amount of $5,542.68.  Chief Pomesky briefly described and identified the replacement of parts to get their radio frequencies back up and running.


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board approve the bill for Staley Technologies for the emergency repair for the tower for a total of $5,542.68; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


EmergiTech New World CAD


Police Chief Pomesky stated that the Police Department is requesting that the Board of Trustees consider the approval of the New World CAD to Interbadge Interface from EmergiTech in the amount of $3,500.  Chief Pomesky added that the estimated 2nd year maintenance agreement is in the amount of $480 annually after that.  Chief Pomesky stated that there is a benefit by having that patch written so that way we can participate with the computer aided dispatch module for the countywide plan and it will allow all the information that our dispatchers enter directly into the records management system and an officer would not have to duplicate that entry.  


Trustee Haines inquired if this would enhance with what we have now with RED Center.  Chief Pomesky stated that not only will it enhance that but gave an example of if one of our officers would be following up on a crash, theft, robbery or drug offense in the City of Canton or anywhere in the County, as officers under alert, countywide, when they show up at that house for a follow up or if someone would come into Perry Township for a follow up, if we or any other officer or agency that participates in this, enters an alert, we share those alerts with other agencies so that way we can bring the proper resources out prior to making contact at those homes.


Trustee DeChiara inquired if it would be a standard radius after that.  Chief Pomesky stated that was correct.  Trustee DeChiara inquired if it would stay at $480 for the third, fourth and fifth year.  Chief Pomesky stated that it could possibly go up in those years but indicated that it was not likely that it would be a significant increase.  Trustee DeChiara verified that the bulk of the cost would be this first year.  Chief Pomesky stated that was correct.  Trustee Haines inquired if they do a multi-year contract.  Chief Pomesky replied that they would probably just put that in with their annual RMS service fees.


Trustee Chessler verified that Chief Pomesky is asking for the authority to expend the $3,500 for the ongoing maintenance costs that will be built into the Police Department budget every year that we approve.  Chief Pomesky stated that was correct.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the expenditure of $3,500 for the EmergiTech Interbadge Interface; Seconded by Trustee DeChiara.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Road and Park Department:


Consider Hiring Timothy L. Cline as a Casual Part Time Employee for Road and Park Departments


Road Superintendent Masalko stated that we did run an advertisement for Casual Part Time employees and received approximately five (5) applicants.  Mr. Masalko stated that he interviewed two of them, one of them, Timothy Cline.  Road Superintendent Masalko stated that he would like to make a recommendation to the Board; that Tim Cline be hired to work for the Road Department at $12.50 per hour and then in the summertime he would be working for the Park Department for $10.50 per hour, effective as soon as possible.


Trustee Chessler stated that based on the Road Superintendent’s recommendation and the information that the Board has before it, makes a motion that the Board hire Timothy Cline as a part time casual employee assigned to the Road Department at a wage rate of $12.50 per hour and also make him eligible to be assigned work in the park system during this year at a rate of pay of $10.50 per hour; that is pending satisfactory results from the drug and alcohol testing and the license and background check with a maximum of 28 hours per week and 1500 hours per year; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


Consider Acceptance of All Material Quotes


Road Superintendent Masalko indicated that we sent out a letter asking for Material Quotes and we had twelve (12) companies that responded:


  1. 1.        Central Allied Enterprises, Inc.
  2. 2.        Huth Ready Mix & Supply Company
  3. 3.        Massillon Asphalt Company
  4. 4.        Oster Sand & Gravel, Inc.
  5. 5.        Diano Supply Company
  6. 6.        National Lime and Stone Company
  7. 7.        Northstar Asphalt, Inc.
  8. 8.        The Shelly Company
  9. 9.        American Sand & Gravel
  10. 10.    Tiger Sand & Gravel, LLC
  11. 11.     D & R Supply, Inc.
  12. 12.    Kimble Clay & Limestone




Road Superintendent Masalko stated that he did look through all the bids and they all meet ODOT specs and added that they were also verified by the Law Director. 


Trustee Chessler verified that we have received and reviewed the bid specifications and all of these are in compliance with the bid specifications.  Road Superintendent stated that was correct.


Trustee Haines stated that there was one additional name on the list not mentioned, Roio Sand & Gravel, and inquired of Road Superintendent Masalko if they did not respond; Road Superintendent Masalko confirmed that they did not respond.


Trustee Chessler made a motion with reference to the memorandum that the Board received that was dated January 19, 2016 with the title line of Material Quotes 2016; that based on the recommendation of the Road Superintendent, the Board approve and accept those quotes and authorize the Road Superintendent to do business with those companies with the exception of the one listed as #2, Roio Sand & Gravel, for the year 2016; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Consider Addendum to RG Drage Annexation Area


Law Director Hall stated that as the Board will recall, since November of 2010, there was an annexation agreement for snow and ice control with previous elected streets in the City of Massillon.  Mr. Hall stated that he thinks Road Superintendent Masalko will suggest that as far as snow and ice control this has worked fairly well in the last five (5) years.  Mr. Hall indicated that Road Superintendent Masalko and Assistant Road Superintendent Young had inquired of him about six (6) weeks ago and identified several other streets: Warmington Street from the City limit to Carmont Avenue and Warmington down to the City limits and in exchange propose that the Township will do 3rd Street from Earl Road and Earl Road at Kracker Street to Nish Avenue and Nish Avenue to Towpath Court as a tradeoff.  Mr. Hall stated that it is of roughly equal distance and added that they had met with the City Service Director, their Operations Superintendent and the consensus was agreed that it makes sense; instead of having snow trucks and plow trucks and salt trucks passing each other to basically cover the same roads, to trade this off.  Mr. Hall stated that the City has approved this.  Mr. Hall stated that Mr. Joel Smith, the Safety Service Director emailed over to him a signed copy of the Agreement and they are recommending to the Board to amend and add to that prior agreement by trading off those streets.


Trustee Chessler inquired of Law Director Hall regarding last year’s extreme weather conditions whereby there were some issues with some of our Perry Township residents not being completely satisfied with what the Massillon officials were doing with their part of this same agreement.  Trustee Chessler further inquired if there was a provision in the original Agreement that allows for this to be terminated within so many days.  Mr. Hall replied yes and added that either party can give notice to terminate at any time.  Mr. Hall stated that he would defer to Road Superintendent Masalko because he has more direct knowledge, but added that when some of those complaints were brought back to the City and their people, they did step it up afterwards, although noting there was acknowledgement that they had previously dropped the ball. 


Road Superintendent Masalko stated that he would like to add that the City has a new Street Director and he seems very knowledgeable and efficient adding that during the last two snowfalls those streets were in excellent condition.  Mr. Masalko stated that the reason why we are doing this is because we paved Earl Road, our portion only, and after looking at this, we have been doing Massillon’s portion for a very long time.  Road Superintendent Masalko indicated that there is more of Massillon than there is of Perry.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the Addendum to the existing Agreement with the City of Massillon for the RG Drage Annexation Area for Snow Removal for the Township and City Streets listed in that Addendum; Seconded by Trustee DeChiara.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.


Law Director: None.


Zoning: None.


Executive Session(s):  None.


Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:


Administration: None.


Fire Department: None.


Police Department:


November and December 2015 Statistics


Road Department: None.


Parks/Recycling:  None.


Zoning: None.  


Law Director: None.


Upcoming Events:


Public Speaks-Open Forum:


Trustee Haines asked if anyone would like to address the Board, please do so by approaching the lectern and direct any questions to the Board.


Dave Kerestes, 3500 Lincoln Way East, Apt. 4, Massillon – Mr. Kerestes briefly inquired about the previous Hype establishment not having a proper liquor license and previous incident reports.




With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Haines made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 pm; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL: Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. DeChiara, yes.






Doug Haines, President                                                                                                 Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer

f the agenda on township related matters.