Regular Meeting
Perry Township Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
April 5, 2011 7:00pm
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance:
Excused absence: Scott Weckbacher, Zoning Inspector- Attending Stark County Regional Planning
Additions/Deletions to Agenda:
Trustee Capaldi stated that she received a phone call from Mr. Chuck Taylor regarding the dumpsters at Perry Park. This matter has already been remedied and Trustee Capaldi stated that she will contact Mr. Taylor to let him know.
Public Hearings/Invited Guests: None.
Communications: None.
Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.
Township Business requiring Board Action:
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Trustee Laubacher made a motion to approve bills in the amount of $24,275.34 for the week ending March 22, 2011, bills and payroll in the amount of $319,579.45 for the week ending March 29, 2011 and bills only in the amount of $54,257.22 for the week ending April 5, 2011 for a combined total of $398,112.01; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Fiscal Officer:
Trustee Capaldi made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 15, 2011Regular Meeting minutes; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Consider of Possible Legislation to Prohibit Unsolicited Delivery to Private Property that is not Carried Through US Postal Service
Trustee Capaldi stated that she circulated an email to get the Board’s authorization to allow the Law Director to do some research. In some neighborhoods The Canton Repository is circulating junk ads on behalf of another company. These advertisements are being thrown into driveways whether there is someone living at the residence or not and is polluting people’s private properties. Mr. Hall stated that the ads are commercial speech and it does have some lesser constitutional protections. The Board could pass legislation to limit, restrict or regulate how the ads are being distributed. If the Board is interested, Mr. Hall stated that he would begin working on some legislation under “Home Rule” and bring it back to the Board for consideration. Trustee Capaldi stated that she would like to find out what streets in Perry Township are being delivered to and request that it be stopped but doesn’t know if the Board has that authority. Trustee Chessler inquired if the ads are considered litter if it is found in a public road way. Mr. Hall stated that if the ads are thrown into the public road way then it would be considered litter. If the ads are being thrown onto private property without the person’s prior invitation or permission then that is where it becomes a problem. Trustee Capaldi stated that these ads are not subscribed to and the residents will have to opt out if they do not want to receive them. Trustee Chessler stated that because of logistics in some areas they routinely toss the newspaper which is welcome and subscribed to. It should be distinguished what is welcome and what is not welcome.
Trustee Capaldi inquired if there was some higher body that could protect a larger group of individuals other than just Perry Township residents. This is a personal property issue where people are littering on other people’s personal property. Mr. Hall stated that the Stark County Commissioner’s could pass some type of regulation where each municipality could pass a resolution. To answer Trustee Chessler’s question, the legislation in definition could describe things that are unsubscribed or unsolicited by the property owner. Mr. Hall stated that he would draft some legislation for the Board to review and consider. Trustee Chessler inquired if they would be allowed to put the ads in the extra receptacle by the mailbox. Mr. Hall stated that he can include that into the legislation.
Consider Tenant Farmer Lease Revisions
Administrator Fetzer stated that the Board has been in the process of revising the draft tenant farmer lease at Fasnacht Farm. The proposed lease was given to the tenant farmer for his edits and comments. Mr. Steigerwald had six (6) basic concerns. Trustee Capaldi stated that there were a few larger items and suggested that the Board discuss the lease at the work session and invite Mr. Steigerwald to be present. The Board agreed. Administrator Fetzer stated that Mr. Steigerwald is available and will be present at the Work Session on Tuesday, April 12, 2011.
Consider Accepting Cintas Uniform Contract
Administrator Fetzer stated that the Board received two (2) quotes regarding uniform rentals for Park/ Recycling Department and Fire/Police Mechanics. The first company was Cintas at $72.36 and the second company was Fussy Uniforms at $93.10. A third quote from Rentwear was obtained but the information was incomplete. Administrator Fetzer stated that she inquired but no additional information was received.
Administrator Fetzer asked the Board to consider accepting the contract with Cintas at a weekly rate of $72.36 to service the uniforms of the Park/ Recycling Department and Fire/ Police Mechanics.
Trustee Capaldi made a motion that the Board accept the contract with Cintas at a weekly rate of $72.36 to service the uniforms of the Park/ Recycling Department and Fire/ Police Mechanics; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
Trustee Capaldi inquired if the Department Heads had an opportunity to review the quotes to assure that the inventory and items are acceptable. Administrator Fetzer stated that the Department Heads have not reviewed the quotes but they are identical to lasts years numbers. Trustee Capaldi inquired if there was a savings or if the amount was equal to last year. Administrator Fetzer stated that it was equal to last year. Trustee Capaldi inquired about the prices for mat rentals. Administrator Fetzer stated that those quotes are not ready yet.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Fire Department: None.
Police Department:
Consider Hiring Andrea Blanc as a Full-time Police Officer
Chief Pomesky asked the Board to consider the hiring of full-time Officer Andrea Blanc. Ms. Blanc is a graduate of Perry High School and obtained her Ohio Peace Officers Training from the University of Akron along with obtaining her Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice and Sociology. Ms. Blanc is currently employed as a Deputy at the Stark County Sheriff’s Office where she currently serves on an entry team for the Correction’s Emergency Response. The effective date of hire will be April 6, 2011 with a start date of May 9, 2011. As part of the process, Ms. Blanc will be entitled to a uniform allowance of $1,000.00 per year and other terms consistent with the contract of the police officers agreement. Trustee Capaldi inquired if Ms. Blanc is replacing a vacant position. Chief Pomesky stated that Ms. Blanc would be replacing the vacant position left by Officer Bowman.
Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board hire Andrea Blanc as a full-time police officer with the Perry Township Police Department effective April 6, 2011 with a start date of May 9, 2011 permitting a $1,000.00 per year uniform allowance at a starting salary of $17.48 per hour with the other benefits of employment and a one (1) year probationary period; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Consider Approving Emergi-Tech Crash/ Crime Scene Diagramming- Six Software Licenses for Scene PD V4.0
Chief Pomesky asked the Board to consider the purchase of the Emergi-Tech Crash/ Crime Scene Diagramming- Six Software Licenses for Scene PD V4.0. Currently, the Officers are drawing all crash and crime scenes by hand which is a timely process. This software will allow the storage of common crash intersections and save time on a process that is normally time consuming. This software will also be linked with the lap tops for the cruisers which will be brought to the Board for approval at a later time. Chief Pomesky stated that normally he would obtain three (3) quotes but this is a specific program to the records management system that the Police Department already has in place. There is pricing included for four (4), five (5) and six (6) licenses which will accommodate the work load within the agency. Chief Pomesky recommended that the Board authorize the purchase of the Emergi-Tech Software at a cost of $2,551.00.
Trustee Capaldi made a motion that the Board approve the purchase of six (6) software licenses for Emergi-Tech Crash/ Crime Scene Diagramming at a purchase price of $2,551.00; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
Trustee Chessler inquired if the lap tops were constricted to one (1) cruiser or if they could be moved. Chief Pomesky explained that instead of obtaining a lap top for each cruiser the lap tops will be able to migrate from car to car. At the end of each shift the computer will come back into the Police Department and made available for the next shift.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Consider Bicycle Donation to Perry Helping Perry
Chief Pomesky stated that currently the Police Department has twenty-four (24) bicycles in evidence. The necessary paperwork has been filed with Common Pleas Court and the bikes have been turned over to the Perry Township Police Department for auction, donation or destruction. Chief Pomesky stated that he made contact with Ms. Patty Knotts from “Perry Helping Perry” and they are willing to accept the bicycles to give them back to the community for the children. Chief Pomesky asked the Board to authorize the donation of all twenty-four (24) bicycles to “Perry Helping Perry.” Trustee Chessler inquired if there needed to be a Board determination of nominal value in order to lawfully donate the bicycles. Mr. Hall stated that the court has already ordered that the bicycles may be destroyed but since they are turned over to the Perry Township Police Department if the Board determines that the bicycles are worth less than $2,500.00 then they can be directly sold or donated to this organization. Trustee Chessler asked Chief Pomesky if in his estimation the bicycles are worth less than $2,500.00. Chief Pomesky stated that if the bicycles were sent to auction they would be listed at $2.00 per bicycle.
Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board authorize the Police Chief on behalf of the Board to make a donation of the bicycles that have been court ordered to his possession and to transfer the bicycles ownership to the organization known as “Perry Helping Perry, Inc.” and further that the Board determines that the collective value of the bicycles is less than $2,500.00; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Road Department:
Consider Approval of Annual Township Highway System Mileage Certification
Mr. Masalko stated that the Stark County Engineers Office determined that the 2010 highway mileage for Perry Township is now 145.87 miles of public roads. That is down 0.32 from 2009 due to annexation.
Trustee Capaldi made a motion that the Board approve the Stark County Engineers certification of 2010 highway mileage at 145.87 miles of public road for Perry Township; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Consider Approval of the Sale of a Rollgate Spreader to Sugarcreek Township
Mr. Masalko asked the Board to approve the sale of the rollgate spreader to Sugarcreek Township. Previously, Sugarcreek Township approached the Township about purchasing one of the spreaders because the Road Department has several of them. Mr. Masalko stated that the Road Department was not sure if they were going to scrap them or auction them. Sugarcreek Township is still using this type of a spreader on gravel and rural roads. Mr. Masalko stated that he spoke with the Law Director who advised him to bring this matter to the Board. Under Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) 505.101 the Board needs to authorize the sale to Sugarcreek Township for the amount of $300.00.
Trustee Laubacher made a motion that the Board approve the sale of the used rollgate spreader to Sugarcreek Township for a price of $300.00; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
Trustee Capaldi inquired what the scrap value would be. Trustee Laubacher stated it would be approximately $50.00.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Consider Approval Engineering Services for the TID Grant, Genoa Avenue SW- School Zone Improvement Project
Mr. Masalko asked the Board to consider the approval of engineering services for the TID grant, Genoa Avenue SW- School Zone Improvement Project at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00. Perry Local Schools has agreed to participate in funding this project. Trustee Capaldi congratulated Mr. Masalko on receiving the grant and inquired what the total grant amount was and if the Township was responsible for any costs. Mr. Masalko stated that the grant was awarded for $14,000.00. The total cost of the project is $36,000.00. Trustee Capaldi inquired if Perry Local Schools was going to split the remaining $22,000.00. Mr. Masalko stated that was correct. Trustee Capaldi stated that the Township’s portion would be $11,000.00. Mr. Masalko stated that he does have cushion in the road budget for special projects.
Trustee Laubacher stated that he expressed his concerns to Mr. Masalko regarding the percentage amount that the Township was allowed to apply for. Mr. Oprisch stated that the reason the Township applied for the percentage that they did was because it gave the most points in the scoring. Trustee Capaldi inquired how many projects qualified. Mr. Oprisch stated that only three (3) or four (4) qualified. Trustee Laubacher stated that he thought it was unfair that another project asked for $20,000.00 and they got $20,000.00. Mr. Oprisch stated that the project must have scored higher in other areas. Trustee Capaldi asked Mr. Masalko if he felt comfortable with the Township’s portion amount. Mr. Masalko stated that he did feel comfortable. Trustee Capaldi stated that this project is for the safety of students which is a high priority.
Trustee Laubacher made a motion that the Board accept the TID grant, for Genoa Avenue and 13th Street Project. Engineering cost to Hammontree & Associates is limited to the amount of $5,000.00 with the total amount of the project being $36,000.00 and the Township’s portion being $11,000.00; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Mr. Hall stated that he discussed with Mr. Oprisch and Mr. Masalko that there may be a need to petition the Director of the Ohio Department of Highways to expand the school zone. Under the statute, if it is necessary to expand the school zone it will require a formal resolution from the Board. After the preliminary engineering is done they may be coming back to the Board seeking that additional consent.
Parks: None.
Law Director:
Consider Acceptance of PTFD Dispatching Agreement with CenCom
Mr. Hall stated that the Board received revised documents from the County Prosecutor regarding the Perry Township Fire Department dispatching agreement with CenCom. This is a one (1) year contract based upon the same dispatch rate per call based upon last years call volumes. The contract includes a sixty (60) day cancellation provision. Trustee Chessler inquired why the cancellation provision was increased from thirty (30) days to sixty (60) days. Mr. Hall stated that he and Chief Martin felt that sixty (60) days was an adequate amount of time so that if the Communication Committee comes back to make a change there is enough time to give notice to CenCom and to make the transition. Trustee Chessler stated that thirty (30) days is a more adequate amount of time because they wouldn’t have to initiate to get out of the contract until the Township was ready to do it. Mr. Hall stated that was his error and he is sure that CenCom and the County Prosecutor would accept a thirty (30) day cancellation provision if that would be the Board’s preference. Trustee Capaldi inquired if the items were clarified under paragraph five (5), liability insurance. Mr. Hall stated that was correct.
Trustee Chessler stated that in most contracts where the Township is engaging someone else, the Township wouldn’t provide them insurance like what was agreed to last year. They proved to the Township that they have insurance and they name the Township as an additional insured. This contract states that they have to acquire insurance. Trustee Chessler inquired why the Township wouldn’t be added as an additional insured when the possibility exists that things could happen there that the Township could be joined in and would need insurance coverage. Mr. Hall stated that was one of the obstacles that was raised before Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Bridenstine gave opinion that each entity should be insured on their own. Most of these matters would be covered under the sovereign immunity rule but if something would fall outside of that then the Township has insurance covering it’s employees. Trustee Capaldi stated that the reason for this is because the Township supplies them with operations that they must follow whenever there is a call. Mr. Hall stated that is correct. Trustee Chessler inquired about the period of time that existed last year when the contract provisions said that the Township should provide them insurance and never did. Mr. Hall stated that the Township had insurance in place and it will cover Township employees. Trustee Chessler stated that the contract agreement from last year required that the Township insure them. Mr. Hall stated that the Township did not approve a contract with CenCom last year. The Board continued the dispatch service without a contract. Mr. Hall stated that he would have to review that. Trustee Chessler stated that he will review it right now, “Perry Township Fire Department shall name Nimishillen Township as an additional insured.” Perry Township agreed to do last year what you said Dave Bridenstine said the Township should not do this year. Mr. Hall stated that was correct. Trustee Chessler stated that Nimishillen should have been added to Perry Township’s insurance policy and it was never done. Trustee Chessler stated that if there is an incident that comes up while this contract was in effect that is why he asked them to waive any claims because he can’t believe that the Township should be insuring their negligence. Mr. Hall stated that is the position that the Prosecutor has taken in the opinion that he sent to Chief Peterson at CenCom. The case law and the statutes seem to indicate that one (1) political subdivision should not be an insurer or grantor of another political subdivision. Trustee Capaldi stated that this matter has been corrected in the contract presented to the Board. Mr. Hall stated that if there is a potential risk that could cause Perry Township to assume the defense indemnify Nimishillen Township then it would first have to fall outside of the sovereign immunity statutes. Mr. Hall stated that he is not aware of any such claim or potential risk. Trustee Capaldi stated that was the only provision. Everything stayed the same including the price per call. Mr. Hall stated that was correct. Trustee Laubacher stated that he would like the sixty (60) day provision to remain in place because if Nimishillen would cancel service then it would take the Township sixty (60) days to get new dispatching services in place. Trustee Chessler stated that he understands what Trustee Laubacher is saying but CenCom is not going to just go out of business like that. Trustee Laubacher stated that if they did go out of business at least the Township would have the contract to fall back on.
Trustee Capaldi made a motion that Perry Township enter into an agreement with Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees for fire department dispatching services at a monthly rate of $7,913.50 which is $34.00 per incident based on 2010 run volume for a term commencing April 1 and ending March 31, 2012; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.
Trustee Chessler noted for the record that he does not believe that this is in the best interest of Perry Township. Last year the Township agreed to pay more than what they had to. Trustee Chessler stated that he was concerned that this operation as it is set up subjects Perry Township to the call transfer issue that creates a hazard and a possible delay when delays are critical. Trustee Chessler stated that he had concerns about their oversight last year that he did not think it was adequate or competent the way this operation was run and did not think it was fair that Perry Township tax payers were subsidizing this operation and they did not contribute to the cost like they make everyone else do. Trustee Chessler stated that he had his concerns last year and they have not been addressed this year. Since then, the Board has had discussions when the Police Chief wanted to look at a third party provider and the Township Hall was filled with people that were concerned about outsourcing jobs. The union came and weighed in and they did not like the fact that the Township’s money and employment goes elsewhere and there is no mention of it this time. Trustee Chessler stated that he believes it to be contradictory or critical that the Township is outsourcing these jobs and sending money out to an operation that he has his problems with. The Communication Committee was convened to look at options and now the Township is signing a one (1) year contract with another agency. Trustee Chessler stated that he still has problems with that.
Trustee Capaldi inquired when the last meeting of the Communication Committee took place. Trustee Chessler stated it was the last Tuesday of March. Trustee Capaldi inquired about the progress of the Committee. Trustee Chessler stated that they are hoping to have their information gathered before the next meeting and a report prepared shortly after that within thirty (30) to forty-five (45) days. Trustee Capaldi stated that the Township has sixty (60) days to get out of the contract with CenCom. Trustee Capaldi stated that having a third party provider and having Trustee Chessler to continue to bring that up personally baffles her because the Township is not currently set up to provide that service and it is one of the things the Communication Committee is analyzing to see if it would be best to bring this in house. By signing this contract the Board is enabling Perry Township residents to get someone to come to their house if they have an emergency call today. Trustee Capaldi stated that she feels comfortable continuing the agreement with this particular company. Trustee Capaldi stated that the way they are doing the math is they could allocate part of the cost and receipts to Nimishillen Township but it’s a wash. They could put money in and take money out but what they are doing is providing supervision and oversight and not charging us for it. Trustee Capaldi stated that Trustee Chessler spoke of a call transfer issue and she would like the Fire Chief to respond to that and give the Board the comfort that this is the best service that can be gotten at this time. Chief Martin stated that if you look at the last couple of years the call transfer issues that have been brought up is never going to be resolved unless there is a central dispatch in which all calls go to. As it stands now that is only an idea. It is not there. It is a dream that somebody has. So it is not an issue of those calls being transferred to one single center because it is not available. Trustee Capaldi stated that there are call transfers to the police department also so if there is a big issue then it should be addressed with all departments not just one. Chief Martin stated that the Fire Department has not had any issues that he is aware of and the public has not come to him regarding the response of fire department employees. Trustee Laubacher stated that the call transfer is only in regard to 9-1-1 calls. If the call is made directly to the Perry Township Fire Department number then there is no transfer. Trustee Chessler inquired who knows to call that number. Chief Martin stated that he does not want residents using the Perry Township number anyways. Trustee Chessler inquired if it is the case that the only one that has the call transfer issue now is CenCom. The other ones that are getting the calls through the PSAP are direct calls. When they have this remote hosting in place even though there may be other dispatch centers there is no call transfer issue. CenCom is the only one because they will not join into that system. Chief Martin stated that he is very comfortable with CenCom and they have not had any issues whatsoever. Trustee Chessler stated that it only takes one.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, no. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Zoning: None.
Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:
Administrator Fetzer stated that she and the other Department Heads met to discuss the savings that could be provided to the Township if they went through a bulk purchasing program for all of the office supplies. The bulk purchasing was set up through Sam’s Club and a representative came and shared information about their program. Administrator Fetzer thanked Mr. Schlegel for establishing the account with Sam’s Club. The Township is going to save two (2) percent annually from February to February and will then receive a check refund. Administrator Fetzer stated that Ms. Dean will be ordering the supplies online and Mr. Bergmann will be picking them up.
Fire Department: None.
Parks/Recycling: None.
Police Department:
February Monthly Activity Report
Road Department:
Perry Township has been awarded the TID grant funding for the Genoa/ 13th Street School Zone Improvement Project- project ranking 3rd with a score of 56.5 in the amount of $14,000.00.
Zoning: None.
Law Director: None.
1) Project Perry Pride- April 16, 2011 at 9:00am to 1:00pm- Information and forms available at or quick link from, or at the Township Administration Office.
2) Stark County Commissioners will conduct a public meeting at the Perry Township Hall on June 15, 2011 at 6:00pm to answer questions and concerns of the general public.
3) Safe Kids Day- May 21, 2011 from 11:00am until 2:00pm at the Exploration Gateway- Sippo .
4) May Township Trustees meeting schedule- May 3 and May 24 Regular Meetings and May 11 Work Session.
5) Annual Township Trustees and Road Superintendents meeting to be held at the Stark County Engineer’s Office on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 9:00am.
6) Perry Township hosting SCTA meeting on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 6:30pm at the Perry Township Police Department Community Room.
Public Speaks-Open Forum:
Becky Anania- 4061 Knolls Ave. SW. Ms. Anania asked Trustee Chessler to clarify his concerns regarding dispatch and if there was another option he wanted to go with. Trustee Chessler explained that there is not a menu of options out there. Canton would be an option. Stark County would be an option. Trustee Chessler stated that he did not know if the RED Center was taking more clients to dispatch. Trustee Chessler stated that he has concerns regarding this relationship and this operation. Ms. Anania inquired if Township is considering combining dispatch for the Police and Fire Departments. Trustee Chessler stated that it is being looked into to see if that can be done. What the difficulties would be. What the cost would be. What the challenges would be. What the benefits would be. Trustee Chessler stated that they are putting together the information to see what staffing issues there are, what equipments issues there are and that was the manifest that was the order of this Board to gather that and report back.
Robert Cash- 3124 Woodrich St. SW. Mr. Cash stated that the paper stated that the Perry Township meeting was to hold a sewer discussion and inquired if that was going to occur. Trustee Capaldi stated that it may have been a misprint. Trustee Chessler explained that a gentleman from the Stark County Health Department that was looking into the feasibility of having sanitary sewer in the Pinehills allotment. Those results were going to be reported back to the Health Department. Mr. Cash stated that he discussed that with Mr. Weckbacher and inquired when he could come to a meeting to have his thoughts heard and recognized. Trustee Capaldi stated that Mr. Cash could do that right now. Mr. Cash stated that he was not prepared to do so. Trustee Laubacher stated that Mr. Cash could attend any meeting once he is prepared with his comments. Trustee Chessler also explained to Mr. Cash that he could send his comments and concerns in so that an item could be placed onto the agenda. Trustee Capaldi inquired about the topic of Mr. Cash’s concern. Mr. Cash stated that it has to do with the Road Department and the storm drain. Mr. Cash stated that he will draft something up and bring it over to the office.
Executive Session(s):
Trustee Laubacher made a motion that the Board adjourn into executive session under O.R.C. 121.22 (G) (4) to discuss POW collective bargaining matters to include to Board, Fiscal Officer, Law Director and Road Superintendent; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi. (No action to be taken)
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
The Board adjourned into Executive Session at: 7:58pm
The Board adjourned from Executive Session at: 8:35pm
With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Chessler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes. Miss Capaldi, yes.
Lee C. Laubacher, President
Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer