Ribbon Cutting Reservation Form
The Perry Township Business Exchange (PTBE)
Facilitated by ~ The Perry Township Board of Trustees
- There is no fee for conducting a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in Perry Township. The purpose of the Perry Township Business Exchange is to cooperatively work to promote the interests of Perry Businesses and our community members.
- The Board of Trustees looks forward to conducting a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the benefit of your business!
- Pre-registration with the Perry Township Business Exchange is required with a minimum of two weeks advanced notice.
- Events are scheduled based upon availability and conducted on weekdays between 4:30 - 5:00 pm.
- Please allow 48 – 72 hours for processing. Thank you!
Please Allow 48-72 hours for processing. Thank you!
Click here to download a "Planning Your Ribbon Cutting Ceremony" PDF.
If you have any questions, please contact Joyce Fetzer at 330-833-2141. Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 4:30pm. or 330-265-1130 after hours.