Work Session
Perry Township Board of Trustees
Work Session
November 9, 2010 7:00pm
The Board of Trustees has previously reserved the right to take action at this meeting
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance:
Excused absence:
Additions/Deletions to Agenda: None.
Public Hearings/Invited Guests: None.
Letter Received November 1, 2010 from Mark S. Reed Expressing Interest as a Resident Caretaker of the Fasnacht Farm Park
Trustee Capaldi noted that the Board received a letter of communication from Mark S. Reed expressing his interest as a resident care taker of Fasnacht Farm Park. Administrator Fetzer has filed Mr. Reed’s letter with the farm file for future discussion.
Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.
Township Business requiring Board Action:
Unfinished Business:
Consider Fasnacht Farm Park- Request for Proposal
Trustee Chessler stated that as previously discussed the Board wanted to finalize the document that the Township will solicit for proposals for the farm park. There was a working draft in place and additional time was given to the Board Members and anybody else to make any input, corrections or changes. Trustee Chessler stated that if his notes are correct the Board was hoping to finalize the “Request for Proposal” document for distribution. The Board was going to allow a month to receive submissions and evaluate them. Then a month after that the Board would negotiate with the successful person and then a month after that finalize the tenant farmer agreement. This was the time table that was discussed at the July 6, 2010 meeting. Trustee Chessler stated that the Board needs to consider and approve the “Request for Proposal” and then collect the submissions.
Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board authorize the Administrator and Law Director to take the steps necessary to advertise and distribute the 2010 “Request for Proposal” for the Fasnacht Farm property lease for sustainable educational and environmental purposes. This would include advertisement in the appropriate form whether it is electronic or trade journals with the assistance of Mr. Morris of Stark County Park District. Submissions will be received until December 14, 2010 at 7:00pm; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.
Trustee Laubacher inquired about public records and the importance of withholding an applicant’s personal and financial information. Mr. Hall stated that the release of personal and financial information is protected under the public record laws. If anyone would request this information the personal and financial information would be redacted before distribution. Trustee Laubacher suggested stating that personal and financial information would be kept confidential so that the applicants were aware. Mr. Hall stated that he could add that information.
Trustee Capaldi inquired about the due date for submissions. Mr. Hall stated that he would have to get with Administrator Fetzer in terms of publication. After discussion the Board decided that submissions would be received until December 14, 2010 at 7:00pm in which they will note receipt at the Work Session.
ROLL CALL: Miss Capaldi, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
New Business:
Trustee Capaldi made a motion to approve bills and payroll in the amount of $161,465.66 for the week ending November 9, 2010; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.
ROLL CALL: Miss Capaldi, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
Fiscal Officer:
Trustee Capaldi made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 2, 2010 Regular Meeting minutes; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.
ROLL CALL: Miss Capaldi, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
Administration: None.
Fire Department: None.
Police Department: None.
Road Department:
Consider Purchase of Cement Blocks for the Two (2) Cover All Buildings
Trustee Capaldi made a motion that the Board enter into an agreement with Huth Ready Mix for the purchase of eighty (80) 2’x2’x3’ cement blocks at $15.00 each for a total of $1,200.00; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
ROLL CALL: Miss Capaldi, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
Law Director: None.
Zoning: None.
Parks: None.
Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:
Administration: None.
Fire Department: None.
Submitted Third Quarter Recycling Grant- October 22, 2010
Police Department: None.
Road Department: None.
Law Director: None.
a.) Fall Leaf Drop Off- Collection held at the Perry Township Road Department 1500 Jackson Ave. SW- October 16 thru November 21- Weekdays 7:00am- 2:30pm and Weekends 8:00am- 3:30pm- Closed Veteran’s Day- leaves only please
b.) Reverse Raffle & Monte Carlo Night- Location: McKinley Eagles on Saturday, November 3, 2010 6:30pm- 10:30pm Sponsored by Perry Township History Club- Tickets $10.00 each- Tickets: Sherry Wilson 330-419-1343
Public Speaks-Open Forum: None.
Executive Session(s):
Trustee Capaldi made a motion that the Board adjourn into executive session under O.R.C. 121.22 (G) (1) to discuss hiring, dismissing, disciplining, promoting, compensation to include to Board, Fiscal Officer and Department Heads as requested; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
Department Head Evaluations
a. Scott Weckbacher 7:00pm
b. Kenny Shreffler 7:15pm
c. John Masalko 7:30pm
d. Joyce Fetzer 7:45pm
e. Mike Pomesky 8:00pm
ROLL CALL: Miss Capaldi, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
The Board adjourned into Executive Session at: 7:13pm
The Board adjourned from Executive Session at: 9:04pm
With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Capaldi made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:04pm; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.
ROLL CALL: Miss Capaldi, yes. Mr. Laubacher, yes. Mr. Chessler, yes.
Anna M. Capaldi, President
Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer